Sensory Cave

Project Description

After speaking with the representatives of Bradford woods, we discussed the desire to build activities for their Sensory Cave. Sensory Caves are multi sensory environments that help relax kids with autism and Sensory processing disorders. The campers would be able to partake in activities that stimulate and exercise their senses while having a fun time. Our first design for the Sensory cave is a whack-a-mole game where the campers would instead be trying to push buttons that lit up. We will be calling this design the “Whack-a-Light”. Our second design is an Augmented Reality Sandbox that would have a holographic topographic map over the sand that would change as the campers moved the sand. It also has a water simulation setting where if a camper held their hand over the sand, virtual water would appear and flow through the mounds of sand.

Click here to meet the team!

Current Progress

We have successfully built a proof of concept circuit for the “Whack-a-Light” game that works to our desires, as well as a fully functioning prototype.We are currently in the process of strengthing the internal aspects of the Whack-a-Light and downloading necessary software for the Augmented Reality Sandbox.

Deliverables lists


  • · Proof of concept Circuit
  • · Fully Tested Arduino Code
  • · Constructed box
  • · Fully constructed prototype circuit

Augmented Reality Sandbox

  • · Software for Kinect calibration
  • · Software to run topographic map and waterfall simulation
  • · Box for sandbox
  • · Mount for sandbox (to hold projector and kinect sensor)

  Sensory Cave Prototypes and Designs